Monday, April 13, 2015


Mole, mole, mole! This week's international recipe is from MEXICO - Oaxaca, Mexico, to be exact. This is the real deal. No Tex-Mex here. And let me tell you, this recipe is not for the faint of heart.

To be totally honest, this was the strangest recipe I've ever made... and I cook ALOT. I am a notorious taste-while-you-cook kinda gal. I am often not hungry by the time my meals are complete. This time though, I did not once taste this while I was cooking. Something about fried bread, nuts, jalapeƱos, chocolate, and raisins mixed together that did not sound appetizing. But alas, I cooked on.

Mole is a very traditional meal in Mexico. Each region has their own "flare"... I think I came across at least seven different types of mole. I went with the most traditional, and my taste buds were astonished. It was a dark, smoky, flavor profile that I've only tasted a few times. It's not your typical zingy, bright Tex-Mex, so please pardon the photos!


The recipe I used is here. Tedious, I know. I can say I only followed the instructions to make the mole sauce; I already had chicken and rice that I cook separately. I also read elsewhere to throw all the toasted/browned/fried ingredients into the blender to create a thick paste before heating on the stove and adding in the chocolate and seasonings. I am sure someone in Oaxaca just rolled over in their grave, but I did it... and I am not sorry. ;)

One day, when my husband decides to finish school, I dream of traveling to these cities off the beaten path and learning how to cook using their traditional methods. I want them to know their culture of cooking is deeply appreciated around the world, and it continues to be celebrated and shared.


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