Sunday, March 22, 2015


When we found out I was pregnant, I starting having nightmares of baby "stuff" taking over my home. I love home design and decor, and I feared that having a baby meant I would have to give it all up. That I would have to put the fate of my kitchen and living room decor into the hands of the Fisher Price design gods.

While I know that as our kids grow in number and size, I will have to continue to be creative in keeping a beautiful living space (I feel like this will become a part 1 post of many "parts") - but I am convinced that it can be done. Babies really don't need that much stuff (...but more on that when I write up my minimal momma baby list). I am a less is more kinda gal. 

My goal to keeping my living space clutter free and beautiful comes from three thoughts. 

1. I don't want to raise my kids thinking they need things to keep them happy and busy.
2. We don't have the space for a ton of crap that we don't actually need.
3. Loving my home and creating an oasis is important to me (home design isn't a priority for everyone, and that's okay!)... and Fisher Price isn't on my list of approved designers.

So here is what I did:  I went to Home Goods and found the two largest baskets I could find.

I decided that all the toys Bentleigh would acquire will need to fit into these two baskets (at least during the years we are living in a NYC-sized apartment!). Having a visual really helped when it came to registering or when I decide to go shopping and come across another "cutest stuffed animal in the world"... or another cutting-edge technological toy promising to make my baby crawl earlier and faster than any other baby ever has...!

And you know what's funny. When I set my mind to only getting what she needs - I have only filled up 1/2 of one basket (so far). *High fives all around*

Also, if you love your home decor, spend a few extra dollars and time to find items that compliment your decor in style or color scheme. It can be done! Etsy (for example) makes covers for everything from high chair covers, boppy covers, to bouncy seat covers. Our home decor happens to be a lot of neutral colors, so I opted out of the hot pink bunny bouncer and instead found a bouncy seat that was creme and tan (pictures from

If you are tight on space, funds, or just find life more breathable with less stuff - stay tuned for the my (short) list of baby gear that I found essential.


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