Monday, March 9, 2015


We have a running list right now of things we MUST do before Ben finishes school. We have just over 3 years to accomplish it all. The problem is, is that the list keeps growing... and we are not on vacation here, people.

It's easy to go to Europe with your list of must-sees and accomplish it because you are there specifically to accomplish tasks. When you live in a tourist-y place you still have a real life/job/school/house/kid/responsibilities. Ben goes to school for about 40 hours every week, and he studies an additional 30 hours outside of class. Sight-seeing is on the back burner.

But alas, I am determined that we can knock out a good chunk of Manhattan (plus surrounding Boroughs) in 4 years.

So, today we went to the MET. It is the most spacious, roomy square footage in all of Manhattan. If I had a membership, I would be there all the time just to get away.

Dressed in the most studious attire (Baby Gap, pink eye-glasses onsie), Bentleigh was a rock-star child today. She (almost) did not make a peep the whole time. As we were finishing up admiring Monet, Van Gogh, and the like, Bentleigh lets out a loud squeal of excitement that echoed through the silent exhibit. Although cute, I tried to shush her, which only then lead to a demanding squawk - reminding us of who really is in charge. We left. She smiled. Oh, that child is going to be a feisty one.

All in all, we got one crossed off our list. We would like to go to MoMa now too, another art museum (where Starry Night and other oogle-worthy pieces were curated). Minus one, plus one. Oh, well. Just one more day I will get to spend with my favorite people.

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