Sunday, January 11, 2015



It's been almost 6 months since we moved to the east coast. I still can't believe it. Last year was a crazy whirlwind: Ben interviewed and accepted an offer from NYU Dental, just 3 weeks later we found out we were pregnant (surprise!!!), we finished renovating our house, got my job transfered (#joblove), sold the house (the renovations paid off BIG!), packed the house, drove to NYC, Ben started dental school, I had a baby while at work, Ben finished off his first semester very strong (while being a first time dad.. learning how babies work right alongside me), then we flew home for the holidays with a 6 week old. PHEW!

And while that was a jam packed year, I am certain that the only thing that stands out amidst that year long saga was the fact that I said I had a baby while at work. Now *technically* she wasn't born at work - butttt if you know me at all you probably would find this story quite amusing. If you don't know me well...  well you may think I'm a little crazy. But that's okay. 

So many people have hinted at asking me how this whole baby thing went down (apparently it's supposed to be some sort of super special secret??). I finally just started telling everyone my story upfront (yes, mine might be a little more hectic than some... but really, when is having a baby ever a boring story!?) - and come to find out - that's all people wanted to know! Were we caught off guard, was it scheduled, how long did it take, c-section or natural, how long did it take you to recover, are you actually breastfeeding, does your baby scream all the time, do you EVER sleep, how's your husband actually adjusting... 

It was a Wednesday. We have conference calls, trainings, and leadership meetings at work all day on Wednesdays. About 6 of us were sitting around a table talking about an upcoming event when I felt a liquid splashing on my feet. I discreetly glance down and quickly ask one of my Key Leaders next to me if she remembers me peeing before we started the meeting (such a classy leader I am). Everyone just looked at me with a slightly odd look on their faces and confirmed that I had. I paused for just a second and as the "liqud" continued to gush I stated ever so calmly "okay, well then my water just broke... and it's going everywhere... and I'm trying to clench to make it stop, but it's not". 

Immediately everyone looks under the table and behold a gallon of water Is puddled under my feet. I have one girl getting me a towel, another talking on the phone to Ben, another getting my things and pulling up my car... while I am trying to find my doctors number and map the hospital on my phone - hoping it's the right one. Let's be real - I was planning on having a couple more weeks to get all the "details" squared away.

Ben just finished a test when we called... like JUST walked out of a 3 hour test. He thought I was joking when I told him my water broke, but luckily he still took me serious enough to grab a cab immediately (this is important to note because he BARELY makes it to the hospital in time).

I wrap myself in a towel, take off my shoes (I bought them like 2 days before, ruining them was not an option), and get dropped off at the hospital... and by this point my water is still "breaking" (whaaaaat?) and there's so much now it is actually traveling UP my shirt now. Sooo attractive... and gross. 

I got checked in and up to a room where they put me in a bed (we are about 40min post initial water break). The doctor is asking me when my husband will be here because the baby is breach and they don't want me to start delivering her (aka I'm getting a c-section. Boo.). It is now that I realize this will be my last chance to tie up all my loose ends at work before I turn into an around-the-clock mommy feeding machine who can't keep track of what day it is. So, it is now that I request the doctor to hold on for about 20 more minutes so I can finishing sending off some emails (because, AGAIN, homegirl is coming early and I thought I had more time... sheesh). Ben finally arrives with 10 min to spare. He throws on some scrubs and gives me a 5 min countdown until when my phone will be confiscated. I'm certain my boss was less than impressed with my delivery-room-brain jibber jabber emails. 

But in less than 30 min it didn't even matter anymore. We heard the lungs on our baby girl - took one look at each and cried.

Now, I don't mean to diminish this sentimental moment, but we did start laughing too, because not but a week earlier we were betting on who would have the waterworks when she was born. Our guesses were wrong... we both did. It was perfect. And it all happened in the craziest 2 hrs and 15min of our lives. Go big or go home, amiright?!

(Ben learning the different ways to burp a baby... this was by far his least favorite! Everytime the nurse tried burping her this way, Ben would almost throw her out of our room for being too rough! Ha!)

We have since then prayed everyday for her to get bigger as quickly as possible because a 6lb-something baby is a bit TOO little and fragile for the both of us. I have finally recovered from the c-section (which was really not fun for the first week or so), and we love that she is now a substantial 10lbs (drink that milk, girl!). But that very first night with her after she was born, so tiny, so dependent, so beautiful. I would relive that crazy Wednesday over and over again just to have that night again. 

I loved Ben more that night than I ever have in my life. And God revealed to us that His plan for us in 2014 was perfect and carefully thought out, despite how it appeared. 

It's so cool, in hindsight we can see why God has to do so many things without our "permission", because honestly, I wouldn't have given it for half the things that happened this year. Go figure.



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