Friday, July 19, 2013

Pantry Hall Chalkboard Painted Doors

Off the backside of our kitchen is a rather long hallway that leads to our laundry room, back door, and garage. We never thought much of it until our friends started coming over and knocking on our back door (so much for all the thought put into my entry way!!). The doors aren't beautiful wood pieces with any classy or historical elegance. They are fake, hollow, flat faced, with outdated knobs.

There are 5 doors in that back hall - who designs this stuff?! Anyways, we needed to find a way to pretty it up... cheaply. I had a couple ideas which included taking the doors off, replacing the doors with nicer ones, just switching the knobs for updated ones, hanging matching wreaths on the 2 pantry doors, and painting the doors. 

Well, a quart of paint costs around $9.95 (and I really was saving up for buying new CrossFit shpes!), so there was our winner!  I had a couple colors in mind - mint green, dry erase paint, and chalkboard paint. The green would have been really fresh looking against our dark walls. The erase board was a neat idea too, but it wasn't the classy rustic look we were going for. The chalkboard paint could be cheesy too.. Or it could add to the local/organic/menu board/farmhouse flare. 

We tried the chalkboard paint with the idea that I would design a menu board mural. It took 1 quart of paint. We did 2 coats on 2 doors.


The black paint gave the hallway some dramatic interest and appeal. It was easy and oh-so-perfect!

You can see I started to draw our design on the doors! I am hoping to finish it tomorrow and add pictures! :)

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